Privacy Policy
Edinburgh Silver
PO Box 5564
East Renfrewshire
G77 9AR
Phone 0141 639 2361
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Any person is hereby authorized to view the information available from this web server.
All information on this server is protected by copyright law. Unless otherwise specified, no one has permission to copy, republish or redistribute in any form, any information found on the Edinburgh silver web site without prior written consent of an authorized agent at Edinburgh Silver.
Google Adwords employ cookies to track our advertising activity on Google Adwords. The information collected by these cookies helps us ascertain where our ads will be most useful and effective online. The data collected through these cookies is anonymous and cannot identify any specific person.
Disclaimer While we make all reasonable efforts to provide accurate and timely information about Edinburgh silver on this site, you should not assume that the information provided is always up to date or that this site contains all the relevant information available about Edinburgh Silver.
This site has been created for the purpose of providing information regarding Edinburgh Silver products, and support to customers and the public. If you find any incorrect information, bad links, or other errors on this site please contact us...
Our Privacy Policy Any personal information that you may share with Edinburgh Silver is kept absolutely private. Neither your name nor anything about you is sold or shared with any other company or agency.
Occasionally we may contact you, only by email, to make you aware of upcoming products or specials. However, we do respect your right to privacy and will not send notices if you contact us and ask us not to. Of course we may contact you if you are currently in the process of buy from us, as we may need to clarify your order, ask you about engraving or discuss payments.
Credit Cards We use WorldPay as our secure payment partner, which for your security, prevents us viewing or storing your credit card details.
Need more information - Please, fell free to phone us. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call. Free if calling from withing UK: 0141 639 2361 Outside the UK : +00441416392361
PO Box 5564
East Renfrewshire
G77 9AR
Phone 0141 639 2361
Business hours are
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Any person is hereby authorized to view the information available from this web server.
All information on this server is protected by copyright law. Unless otherwise specified, no one has permission to copy, republish or redistribute in any form, any information found on the Edinburgh silver web site without prior written consent of an authorized agent at Edinburgh Silver.
Google Adwords employ cookies to track our advertising activity on Google Adwords. The information collected by these cookies helps us ascertain where our ads will be most useful and effective online. The data collected through these cookies is anonymous and cannot identify any specific person.
Disclaimer While we make all reasonable efforts to provide accurate and timely information about Edinburgh silver on this site, you should not assume that the information provided is always up to date or that this site contains all the relevant information available about Edinburgh Silver.
This site has been created for the purpose of providing information regarding Edinburgh Silver products, and support to customers and the public. If you find any incorrect information, bad links, or other errors on this site please contact us...
Our Privacy Policy Any personal information that you may share with Edinburgh Silver is kept absolutely private. Neither your name nor anything about you is sold or shared with any other company or agency.
Occasionally we may contact you, only by email, to make you aware of upcoming products or specials. However, we do respect your right to privacy and will not send notices if you contact us and ask us not to. Of course we may contact you if you are currently in the process of buy from us, as we may need to clarify your order, ask you about engraving or discuss payments.
Credit Cards We use WorldPay as our secure payment partner, which for your security, prevents us viewing or storing your credit card details.
Need more information - Please, fell free to phone us. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call. Free if calling from withing UK: 0141 639 2361 Outside the UK : +00441416392361